Rossa Palma appreciates your interest in our company and your visit to our website www.rossapalma.com. Rossa Palma is a trademark of Mega Trading Ltda. Company incorporated under the legal provisions of the Republic of Colombia and identified with NIT. 805017567-9. The following conditions establish the basic rules that govern your use of our Site.
These Terms and Conditions provide the basis upon which Rossa Palma (as defined below) will provide accommodation, restaurant and bar service and other products and services in its hostels to customers (as defined below). When booking any of the services offered on this site (as defined below).
1. GENERAL Your use of our Site means that you agree to comply with the following conditions of use. Rossa Palma may change the rules that govern your use of our Site, and your use of our Site after such changes means that you agree to follow the rules that have been modified. In addition to changes in the rules, Rossa Palma may change, modify, delete or revise sections of our Site at any time without notice.
2. CONTENT OF THE SITE The text, images, graphics, video files and organization of our Site are subject to copyright protection and other types of intellectual protection. These objects cannot be copied for distribution or commercial use, nor can they be modified or used on other sites. Access to and use of our Site are exclusive to offer personal information, education and communication to Rossa Palma. You can download, copy or print the contents of this Site for personal use only. No right, title or participation in any of the contents of our Site is transferred to you by downloading, copying, printing or using our Site.
3. UPDATES OF THE SITE Mega Trading Ltda. Does not incur obligations to update, correct or clarify the information on our Site, including, among others, financial information. No specific renewal or update date on our Site should be considered an indicator that all information on our entire Site has been modified or updated. When reviewing the information on our Site remember that such information may not represent all available information on a topic. In addition, subsequent events or changes in circumstances may make the information on our Site inaccurate or incomplete. Mega Trading Ltda. Does not contract obligations to update, correct or clarify the press releases published previously. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the information obtained from our Site has not been inaccurate or incomplete due to subsequent events.
4. USER COMMENTS AND OTHER SUBMISSIONS Please note that all comments, information, ideas, suggestions or other data sent or proposed to Rossa Palma on our Site or through it or in some other way ("Presentations" collectively) will be and will remain the property of Mega Trading Ltda. Any offer of this type or any Submission will constitute an assignment to Mega Trading Ltda. of all rights, titles and participations in all the intellectual properties of the world in the Submissions. Thus, Mega Trading Ltda will exclusively own all rights, titles and participation of any Presentation, and its use, commercial or non-commercial, of any Presentation will not be limited in any way. Mega Trading Ltda. Does not have and should not have any obligation to keep any Submission secret, pay any compensation for any Submission, or respond to any Submission.
5. LINK TO ANOTHER WEBSITE Our site may have links that give access to other Global World Network websites, the Internet or other sources of information. By accessing these links, you acknowledge that other sites or access stories are not under the control of Rossa Palma and you agree that Rossa Palma is not responsible for any additional information or links found on such site or location, or for the use that you give to such information. Rossa Palma provides these links for your convenience only, and has not endorsed, tested or verified any information or programs.
6. RESALE OF THE PRODUCT / SERVICE The operations of our retail store are established to sell products / services to end customers only. We cannot sell products to customers who intend to resell or export the products / services.
7. RESPONSIBILITY AND COMPENSATION Unless expressly stated otherwise in this document, our site, all the content of our site and all the services offered in relation to our site are provided "in the state in which they are located" and, in the to the extent permitted by current law, Mega Trading Ltda- is not responsible for any guarantee in relation thereto, whether expressly or implicitly, including, among others, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a purpose in particular and non-violation. In addition, Mega Trading Ltda. Does not guarantee that your use of our site, or the operation or operation of our site, any component of it, or any service offered in connection with the site, will be free from interruptions or errors; that defects on the site will be corrected; or that our site or server does not have viruses or other harmful elements. Although Mega Trading Ltda. Strives to provide current, accurate and reliable information on the site, it does not guarantee or make any statement regarding the accuracy, reliability or any use of information on our site. You acknowledge by using our site that: (1) your use of our site is your sole responsibility; (2) you assume full responsibility for all costs associated with the maintenance or necessary repairs of any equipment you use in connection with your use of our site; and (3) that Mega Trading Ltda. will not be liable for any damage of any kind related to the use or the impossibility of use by your part of our site, including, among others, direct, indirect, special, compensatory or resulting damages, profit loss and / or loss or damage to property, even if Rossa Palma has been notified of the possibility of such damages. You agree to hold Mega Trading Ltda harmless and liable for all claims, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney fees, arising from the use of our site or related to it.
8. EXTENSION This agreement will be in effect unless you or Mega Trading Ltda. Terminate it, and until that moment. You may terminate this agreement at any time. Mega Trading Ltda. May also terminate this Agreement at any time and may do so immediately without prior notice, and consequently deny you access to the Site if Rossa Palma considers, at its sole discretion, that you do not comply with any term or provision of this Agreement. . In the event of any termination of this Agreement either by you or by Mega Trading Ltda, you must immediately destroy all materials downloaded or obtained from our Site in any other way, as well as copies of such materials, whether have done under the terms of this Agreement or in some other way.
9. RESERVATIONS Clients can make reservations through the Rossa Palma website. When making a reservation, Clients must provide identification information including, among others, their name, identity document, contact telephone number and email address. (1) Reservations made through the Rossa Palma website will send a confirmation email addressed to the email provided by the client at the time of booking, this email will confirm the admission and provide a unique reservation number. (2) The requests for a reservation change in dates, extension of the stay or addition of products or services will be subject to their availability and the Customer must pay the additional charges that these changes generate according to the current rates of Rossa Palma.
10. RATES AND PAYMENTS All prices and rates published on the website are subject to change, availability and validity without prior notice. However, the rate that is confirmed at the time of booking does NOT vary. The taxes and fees applied to each country for nationals or foreign residents are not included in the rates published on the website; which must be assumed by the guest/client at the time of arrival at the hostel. Restrictions and conditions apply for each published tariff according to its validity. (1) Accommodation rates specify the services included in the fee, additional services not included in the rate must be assumed by the client. (2) In accordance with the reimbursable or non-refundable rate selection, Rossa Palma may authorize the pre-payment of the client’s valid credit card before arrival (as the case may be); if the payment has not been made in advance at the time of making the Reservation, the Customer must pay the Expenses immediately upon registration at the Hostel. Any additional expense must be paid at the time it is incurred or, at the option of Rossa Palma, before the Client leaves the Hostel. (3) The expenses made in Rossa Palma restaurant bar must be must pay immediately in the restaurant. (4) Rossa Palma accepts the following payment methods: Cash (local currency), credit and debit cards.
11. CANCELLATIONS The Client may cancel the Reservation without any surcharge after notifying Viajero Hostels up to 48 hours before 2:00 p.m. (local time) of the Arrival Date, in which case Rossa Palma will not charge the Client of the costs of the reservation. When the Customer has been offered a discounted rate on the condition of non-cancellation of the Reserve (Non-Refundable Rate), provided that the Client has been informed of such condition, the Reservation cannot be cancelled and the Expenses applicable to said Reservation must be paid in full. (1) When the Client has not duly informed of the cancellation or does not attend (not arrive) the Hostel, the reservation will be considered canceled and the Client will have to pay the Hostel the sum equivalent to one night stay in the hostel. (2) Rossa Palma may cancel a Reservation at any time in case of unavailability due to circumstances beyond the control of the Hostel, in which case Rossa Palma will pay the Client the full refund of any booking fee and expense.
12. CHECK-IN & CHECK-OUT The check-in time at the hostel is at 14:00. Registration before 14:00 may be possible subject to prior agreement with Rossa Palma. We also have a baggage room, where the client can store their personal items in case of arriving before the check-in time. The check-out time of the hostel is at 11:00. You can leave the hostel at later hours prior agreement with an additional expense and according to availability. (In the absence of such prior agreement, departures after 11:00 hours may entail the payment to the Client corresponding to the accommodation of an additional night at the applicable standard rate).
13. HOSTEL RULES (1) For the check-in it is mandatory to present original identification (passport, citizenship card or foreigner citizenship card). (2) All guests must be over 18 years of age. (3) Smoking is not allowed inside the hostel; only in the indicated smoking areas. (4) Pets are not allowed. (5) Taxes: Nationals and foreigners with residence must pay taxes according to the regulation of the country. This tax does not appear in the final rate of the reservation. (6) The entry of alcohol or psychoactive substances into the hostel is not allowed. (7) In development of the provisions of Law 679 of 2001, Law 1336 of 2009, and other concordant norms, Rossa Palma warns the tourist that the exploitation and sexual abuse of minors in the country are considered as crimes and are criminally sanctioned. By virtue of Decree 3840 of 2009, Rossa Palma has adopted a model of “Code of Conduct”, which promotes prevention policies and avoids the use and sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in tourism.
1. PERSONAL DATA MANAGEMENT The MEGA TRADING LTDA company identified with NIT number 805017567-9, acting in its own name, email cmejia@vinosdelrio.com and telephone +57.3187077526, (hereinafter the “Company”) has its base of data with information previously provided by You, which has been collected by business relationships carried out in development of our corporate purpose, which is why you are considered as our Client. On the occasion of the entry into force of Statutory Law 1581 of 2012, "By which the general provisions for the protection of personal data are issued" and in compliance with article 10 of Decree 1377 of 2013 "By which the regulation is partially regulated Law 1581 of 2012 ”, the Company hereby informs that it is responsible for the processing of personal data, which have been collected on the occasion of the sale of its products and services, through different means such as events or activations in the city, brand events, parks, places of affluence, through our website www.rossapalma.com and ecommerce, through our profiles on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, through digital activations or contests on web platforms , through our physical stores and special events selling the brand. Likewise, hereby authorizes as the owner of the personal data found in the databases held by the Company, to continue with the Treatment in a transparent, loyal, lawful, secure and reliable manner. In accordance with the above, you authorize to be interested in receiving our information, we confirm that you can exercise your rights to know, update, rectify and request the deletion of your personal data at any time. If you want your data to be deleted from our databases, we ask you to express it expressly within thirty (30) business days, counted from the notification of this communication. Otherwise, it will be considered that you authorize us to have your personal data included in our database, which will be used to: Fulfill obligations contracted with You; Inform about changes of our products or services; Evaluate the quality of our products and services; Provide our products and services required or not by you; Inform about new products or services that are related or not to the contracted one acquired by You; Conduct internal research on consumer habits; Transmit commercial, advertising or promotional information about the products and / or services, events and / or promotions of a commercial type or not, in order to promote, invite, direct, execute, inform and, in general, carry out campaigns , promotions or contests of a commercial or advertising nature; Achieve efficient communication related to the products and services of the Company, and facilitate general access to information on products and services; Provide and promote the products and services of the Company; Inform about new products or services that are related to the one or those contracted or acquired from the Company; To fulfill obligations contracted with our clients, suppliers and employees; Report changes in the products or services of the Company; Evaluate the quality of the services provided by the Company or on the products produced by it or sold; Conduct internal and external studies on consumption habits; We remind you that you have the possibility of accessing your personal data at any time and the right to expressly request, at any time, its correction, update or deletion, in the terms established by Law 1581 of 2012. The data found Within the Company's databases, they are protected by information processing policies. Likewise, the way to exercise your rights as the owner of the data contained in the above-mentioned databases, can be consulted at the aforementioned web address. For the exercise of your rights, in accordance with Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2013, you can call +57.3187077526 or send an email to the email cmejia@vinosdelrio.com. Likewise, you can review the procedures, requirements and deadlines for such purposes, in our privacy notice and in our treatment policies, through www.rossapalma.com.
2. TREATMENT POLICY PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA OF THE HOLDERS OF MEGA TRADING LTDA. In compliance with the provisions of Statutory Law 1581 of 2012 and its Regulatory Decree 1074 of 2015, MEGA TRADING LTDA., Informs the policy applicable to the entity for the personal data protection treatment.
3. GENERAL DATA MEGA TRADING LTDA., Registered business entity with commercial registration no. 542033. Whose corporate purpose is: The company will have as its main purpose the following activities: 1.- The commercialization, transformation, production, maquila, purchase and sale, inside and outside the national territory on its own behalf, through or on behalf of third parties, of national and imported goods, services and supplies. 2.- Opening of new markets in Colombia or abroad and the consolidation of existing ones, as well as the promotion of new products. 3.- The realization, and consolidation of the exportable supply, as well as the demand and imports. 4.- The development together with producers of new export biases and participation in investment projects destined for external markets. 5.- The support and when appropriate, the financing of producers or marketers that export or import directly or through society. 6.- Advice to domestic or foreign producers regarding shareholder transfer in already established companies. H) In general, perform any act or contract that has a direct relationship with the corporate purpose. That by public deed No. 4444 of August 1, 2000 Notary Seventh of Cali, registered in the chamber of commerce on August 4, 2000 under No. 5431 of book IX, MEGA TRADING LTDA was constituted That by public deed 2687 of the aforementioned reform , the corporate purpose is included: Importer and Distributor of alcoholic beverages. It has 4 offices in the cities of Bogotá, Barranquilla, Pereira and Cali, registered in the Chambers of Commerce of each city. ADDRESS: Avenida 4 WEST No 5 45, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. EMAIL: accountant@vinosdelrio.com RESPONSIBLE PHONE: 3798066-3798067
4. LEGAL FRAMEWORK Political Constitution, article 15. Law 1266 of 2008 Law 1581 of 2012 Regulatory Decrees 1727 of 2009 and 2952 of 2010, partial Regulatory Decree 1377 of 2013 Decree 1074 of 2015
5. AUTHORIZATION DEFINITIONS: prior, express and informed consent of the owner to carry out the processing of personal data. PRIVACY NOTICE: verbal or written communication generated by the person responsible to the owner for the processing of their personal data, by means of which they are informed about the existence of the information processing policies that will be applicable to them, how to access the same and the purposes of the treatment that is intended to give personal data. DATABASE: organized set of personal data that is subject to processing. CAUSAHABIENTE: person who has succeeded another because of his death (heir). PERSONAL DATA: any piece of information linked to one or more specific or determinable persons or that may be associated with a natural person or legal representative of the legal entity. PUBLIC DATA: is the data that is not semi-private, private or sensitive. Public data are considered, among others, data relating to the marital status of people, their profession or trade and their status as merchant or public or private servant. By their nature, public data may be contained, among others, in public records, public documents, official gazettes and newsletters and duly enforced judicial sentences that are not subject to reservation. SENSITIVE DATA: sensitive data means those that affect the privacy of the owner or whose improper use can generate discrimination, such as those that reveal racial or ethnic origin, political orientation, religious or philosophical convictions, membership in trade unions, social, human rights organizations or those that promote the interests of any political party or that guarantee the rights and guarantees of opposition political parties, as well as data related to health, sexual life, and biometric data. INDISPENSABLE DATA: they are understood as those personal data of the essential holders to carry out the commercial, labor or personal activity, that is had with the holders of the information. Data of an indispensable nature must be provided by the holders of the same or those entitled to the exercise of these rights. OPTIONAL DATA: are those data that the Company requires to offer its products or additional services for the free development of its corporate purpose, etc. TREATMENT MANAGER: natural or legal person, public or private that by itself or in association with others, perform the Processing of personal data on behalf of the Data Controller. DATA PROTECTION LAW: Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decrees or the regulations that modify, complement or replace them. HABEAS DATA: the right of any person to know, update and rectify the information that has been collected about them in the data bank and in archives of public and private entities. RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TREATMENT: natural or legal person, public or private that decides for itself or in association with others, on the basis of data and / or data processing. HOLDER: natural person whose personal data is subject to Treatment. TREATMENT: any operation or set of operations on personal data, such as the collection, storage, use, circulation or deletion. TRANSFER: the transfer of data takes place when the person in charge and / or in charge of the processing of personal data, located in Colombia, sends the information or personal data to a recipient, who in turn is responsible for the processing and is inside or outside from the country. TRANSMISSION: processing of personal data that implies the communication of the same within or outside the territory of the Republic of Colombia when it is intended to carry out a treatment by the person in charge of the person responsible.
6. PRINCIPLES In the development, interpretation and application of Law 1581 of 2012 by which general provisions for the protection of personal data and the regulations that complement, modify or add it are issued, the following principles will be applied harmoniously and comprehensively Rectors: a) PRINCIPLE OF LEGALITY: Data processing is a regulated activity that must be subject to the provisions of the law and other provisions that develop it. b) PRINCIPLE OF PURPOSE: the treatment must comply with a legitimate purpose in accordance with the Constitution and the Law, which must be informed to the holder. Regarding the collection of personal data, the Company will be limited to those data that are relevant and adequate for the purpose for which they were collected or required; The person responsible for the information and other areas must inform the holder of the reason for requesting the information and the specific use that will be given to it. c) PRINCIPLE OF FREEDOM: the treatment can only be exercised with the prior, express, and informed consent of the holder. Personal data may not be obtained or disclosed without prior authorization, or in the absence of a legal or judicial mandate that relieves consent. d) PRINCIPLE OF TRUTH OR QUALITY: the information subject to treatment must be truthful, complete, accurate, updated, verifiable and understandable. The processing of partial, incomplete, fractional or error-inducing data is prohibited. e) PRINCIPLE OF TRANSPARENCY: in the treatment, the right of the holder to obtain information about the existence of data concerning him must be guaranteed from the person responsible for the treatment or from the person in charge of the treatment. f) PRINCIPLE OF ACCESS AND RESTRICTED CIRCULATION: the treatment is subject to the limits derived from the nature of personal data, the provisions of the law and the Constitution. In this sense, the treatment can only be done by persons authorized by the holder and / or by the persons provided by law. Personal data, except public information, may not be available on the Internet or other means of disclosure or mass communication, unless access is technically controllable to provide restricted knowledge only to holders or third parties authorized under the law. g) SECURITY PRINCIPLE: the information subject to treatment by the Company, must be handled with the technical, human and administrative measures that are necessary to grant security to the records avoiding their adulteration, loss, consultation, use or unauthorized or fraudulent access. h) PRINCIPLE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: The Company is obliged to guarantee the reservation of the information, even after the end of its relationship with any of the tasks included in the processing, being able to only provide or communicate personal data when it corresponds to the development of the activities authorized by law.
7. RIGHTS THAT ASSIST YOU IN THE INFORMATION HOLDER The owner of the personal data will have the following rights: a) Know, update and rectify your personal data in front of The Company in its capacity as responsible for the treatment. This right may be exercised, among others, against partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractional, misleading data, or those whose treatment is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized. b) Request proof of authorization granted to the Company except when expressly excepted as a requirement for treatment (cases in which authorization is not necessary). c) Be informed by the Company, upon request, regarding the use it has given to your personal data. d) File complaints with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce for violations of the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and the other regulations that modify, add or complement it. e) Revoke the authorization and / or request the deletion of the data when the Constitutional and legal principles, rights and guarantees are not respected in the Treatment. f) Access free of charge to your personal data that have been processed.
8. RIGHTS OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS The Treatment will ensure respect for the prevailing rights of children and adolescents. The processing of personal data of children and adolescents is prohibited, except for those data that are of a public nature. It is the task of the State and educational entities of all kinds to provide information and train legal representatives and tutors on the possible risks faced by children and adolescents regarding the improper treatment of their personal data, and provide knowledge about of the responsible and safe use by children and adolescents of their personal data, their right to privacy and protection of their personal information and that of others.
9. DUTIES OF THE COMPANY Under this policy of processing and protection of personal data are duties of the Company the following, notwithstanding the provisions provided by law. a) Guarantee the holder, at all times, the full and effective exercise of the right of habeas data. b) Request and keep a copy of the respective authorization granted by the holder. c) To duly inform the owner about the purpose of the collection and the rights that assist him by virtue of the authorization granted. d) Keep the information under the necessary security conditions to prevent its adulteration, loss, consultation, use or unauthorized or fraudulent access. e) Ensure that the information is true, complete, accurate, updated, verifiable and understandable. f) Update the information, taking care of all the news regarding the data of the owner. Additionally, all necessary measures must be implemented so that the information is kept up to date. g) Rectify the information when it is incorrect and communicate the pertinent. h) Respect the security and privacy conditions of the holder's information. i) To process the queries and claims made in the terms indicated by the law. j) Identify when certain information is under discussion by the owner. k) Inform at the request of the owner about the use given to their data. l) Inform the data protection authority when there are violations of security codes and there are risks in the management of the information of the owners. m) Comply with the requirements and instructions given by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce on the particular issue. n) Use only data whose treatment is previously authorized in accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012. o) The Company will use the personal data of the owner only for those purposes for which it is duly authorized and in any case respecting the current regulations on protection of personal data.
10. THE NATIONAL REGISTRY OF DATABASES The National Registry of Databases (RNBD), is the public directory of the databases subject to Treatment that operate in the country and will be administered by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce and will be Free consultation for citizens. Once the National Government regulates the minimum information that the Registry must contain, and the terms and conditions under which they must be registered, the Company will contribute to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce the databases subject to treatment in the indicated time .
11. AUTHORIZATIONS AND CONSENT OF THE HOLDER Without prejudice to the exceptions provided in the Law, in the processing of personal data of the holder, prior and informed authorization of the holder is required, which must be obtained by any means that can be subject to subsequent consultation .
12. MEANS AND MANIFESTATION TO GRANT THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE HOLDER The Company, in the terms set forth in the Law, generated a notice in which the owners are informed that they can exercise their right to the processing of personal data through email: data protection @ vinodelrio.com
13. EVENTS IN WHICH THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE PERSONAL DATA HOLDER IS NOT NECESSARY The authorization of the owner of the information will not be necessary in the following cases: a) Information required by a public or administrative entity in the exercise of its legal functions or by court order. b) Data of a public nature. c) Cases of medical or sanitary urgency. d) Treatment of information authorized by law for historical, statistical or scientific purposes. Data related to the Civil Registry of people.
14. LEGITIMATION FOR THE EXERCISE OF THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDER The rights of the holders established in the Law may be exercised by the following persons: a) By the holder, who must prove their identity sufficiently by the different means made available Business. b) For the owners of the holder, who must prove such quality. c) By the representative and / or proxy of the holder, prior accreditation of the representation or empowerment. d) By stipulation in favor of another or for another. The rights of children and adolescents will be exercised by the people who are empowered to represent them.
15. TREATMENT TO WHICH THE DATA AND PURPOSE OF THE SAME WILL BE SUBMITTED The processing for the essential personal data of employees, partners, shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees and others will be framed in the legal order and under the condition of the company as entity responsible for the information and will be all necessary for the fulfillment of its corporate purpose. In the case of sensitive personal data, they may be used and processed when: a) The Holder has explicitly authorized said Treatment, except in cases where the granting of said authorization is not required by law; b) The Treatment is necessary to safeguard the Holder's vital interest and he is physically or legally incapacitated. In these events, legal representatives must grant their authorization; c) The Treatment is carried out in the course of legitimate activities and with due guarantees from a foundation, NGO, association or any other non-profit organization, whose purpose is political, philosophical, religious or trade union, provided that refer exclusively to its members or to people who maintain regular contacts because of their purpose. In these events, the data may not be provided to third parties without the authorization of the Owner; d) The Treatment refers to data that are necessary for the recognition, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial process; e) The Treatment has a historical, statistical or scientific purpose. In this event, the measures leading to the removal of identity of the Holders must be adopted. The processing of personal data of children and adolescents is prohibited, except in the case of data of a public nature, and when said treatment complies with the following parameters and / or requirements: a) that respond and respect the best interests of children , girls and teenagers. b) that respect for their fundamental rights be ensured. Once the above requirements have been met, the legal representative of the children or adolescents will grant the authorization, after exercising the child's right to be heard, an opinion that will be assessed taking into account the maturity, autonomy and ability to understand the matter. The Company will ensure the proper use of the processing of personal data of children or adolescents
16. PEOPLE WHO CAN BE PROVIDED WITH INFORMATION The information that meets the conditions established by law may be provided to the following persons: a) The owners, their successors (when those are missing) or their legal representatives. b) To public or administrative entities in the exercise of their legal functions or by court order. c) To third parties authorized by the owner or by law.
17. PERSON OR AREA RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ATTENTION OF PETITIONS, CONSULTATIONS AND CLAIMS The Company has designated the area of digital coordination as responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy within the entity headed by the person responsible for the treatment with the support of users administrators who handle the Personal Data of the Owners and professionals in Information Security. This area will be attentive to resolve requests, queries and claims by the owners and to make any update, rectification, deletion and revocation of personal data.
18. PROCEDURE FOR THE HOLDERS TO EXERCISE THEIR RIGHTS TO KNOW, UPDATE, RECTIFY AND DELETE INFORMATION AND REVOKE THE AUTHORIZATION. a) Inquiries: The Holders or their successors may consult the personal information of the Holder who rests in the Company who will provide all the information contained in the individual registry or that is linked to the identification of the Holder through the data request format may be requested in the digital coordination area of the Company or by email: protecciondedatos@vinosdelrio.com containing the requested data in the format. The consultation will be answered within a maximum period of eight (8) business days from the date of receipt of the same. When it is not possible to attend the query within said term, the interested party will be informed, stating the reasons for the delay and indicating the date on which their query will be attended, which in no case may exceed five (5) business days following the expiration of the first term. b) Claims and Updates: The Holder or his successors who consider that the information contained in a database must be subject to correction, update or deletion, or when they notice the alleged breach of any of the duties contained in the law, may submit a claim before the Company which will be processed under the following rules: 1. The claim of the Holder will be made using the data request format that can be requested in the digital coordination area of the Company or by mail electronic: protecciondedatos@vinosdelrio.com containing the requested data in the format. If the claim is incomplete, the interested party will be required within five (5) days after receipt of the claim to correct the failures. After one (1) month from the date of the request, without the applicant submitting the required information, it will be understood that the claim has been withdrawn. In the event that the person receiving the claim is not competent to resolve it, they will transfer it to the appropriate party within a maximum period of two (2) business days and inform the interested party of the situation. 2. Upon receipt of the complete claim in the email protecciondedatos@vinosdelrio.com it will be cataloged with the label "claim in process" and the reason for it in a term not exceeding two (2) business days. This label will be maintained until the claim is decided. 3. The maximum term to respond to the claim will be eight (8) business days from the day following the date of receipt. When it is not possible to address the claim within said term, the interested party will be informed of the reasons for the delay and the date on which their claim will be addressed, which in no case may exceed five (5) business days following the expiration of the first finished. c) Revocation of the authorization and / or deletion of the data The owners of the personal data may revoke the consent to the processing of their personal data at any time, as long as it is not prevented by a legal or contractual provision, for this The Company will provision of the revocation database document provided in the digital coordination area at the headquarters located at AV 4 WEST No. 5 - 45 in Cali (Valle) may be filed in the same place or by email protecciondedatos @ vinodelrio. com If the respective legal term has expired, The Company, as the case may be, had not deleted the personal data, the Holder shall have the right to request the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce to order the revocation of the authorization and / or the suppression of the personal information. For these purposes, the procedure described in article 22 of Law 1581 of 2012 will be applied.
19. DATE OF ENTRY INTO FORCE OF THE INFORMATION PROCESSING POLICY AND VALIDITY PERIOD OF THE DATABASE. This policy entered into force on July 26, 2013 and the databases will remain in force until the completion of the corporate purpose of MEGA TRADING LTDA. Any substantial change in the content of the treatment policies or in the identification of the person in charge or in the purpose for which the data is processed, must be communicated in a timely manner to the owners of the personal data in an efficient manner, before implement the changes, obtaining a new authorization from the owner for the use of their data.